Benefits of AIE Membership

We defend your rights

Copyright laws provide music performers or executants with a whole set of rights for their performances and interpretations in sound and audio visual recordings.

AIE defends the rights of music performers and executants:

AIE is a non-profit society which does not obtain any benefits or dividends from its activity.

AIE represents music performers vis-à-vis all users and companies which use phonograms and audio visual recordings with musical performances by reaching reasonable agreements and asserting their rights before the courts.

AIE is intensively involved in raising awareness and vindicating the rights and interests of the performers collective in several national and international forums.

AIE is the only Management Entity authorized by the Ministry of Culture and entitled to enforce the remuneration corresponding to the musical performances fixed in phonograms and audio visual recordings, recognized by law as a collective management activity.

Public communication

The right to public communication, conferred to all music performers and executants, derives from the use of their performances in all kinds of acts an undetermined plurality of people can access and attend.

Music performers are granted two different types of remuneration by law, and AIE is in charge of their management:

  • Remuneration for public communication of phonograms: If a phonogram published for commercial purposes, or a reproduction thereof, is used directly for broadcasting or for any communication to the public, a single equitable remuneration shall be paid by the user to the performers, or to the producers of the phonograms, or to both. Right recognized in Article 12 of the Rome Convention.

Remuneration for public communication of audio visual recordings: If an audio visual recording is used directly for broadcasting or for any communication to the public, a single equitable remuneration shall be paid by the user to the performers or executants. The Spanish legislator reinforced the protection for this type of use pursuant to the faculty of the Member States of the European Community to establish a greater protection in favour of the right holders of copyright and certain related rights than that contained in Article 8 of Directive 92/100/EEC.


Rental means making available to the public an original or copy of a recorded interpretation for use, for a limited period of time and for direct or indirect economic or commercial advantage. A remuneration for such activity of phonogram and audio visual recordings rental is granted to music performers by law.

AIE is the legally authorized entity that enforces this right for music performers.

'Making available'

The ‘making available’ right enables artists to authorize the public access to their works in such a way that members of the public may access these from a place and a time individually chosen by them.

The system established by the Law on Intellectual Property provides for the transfer of the ‘making available’ right of the performer in favour of the musical or audio visual producer after subscribing to the production agreement. The performer, however, preserves an equitable remuneration which shall be enforced by the user.

AIE is the legally authorized entity that enforces this right for music performers.

Private copying

Private copying is a limitation to the exclusive reproduction right in favour of natural persons, who are allowed to reproduce and copy any protected work for private use, and for purposes that are neither directly nor indirectly commercial, without previous authorization of right holders (performers, authors and producers).

Both the European regulations and our Law on Intellectual Property establish a compensation scheme for right holders to benefit from this exemption through an ‘equitable compensation’ for the benefits foregone as a consequence of their establishment.

As of 31 December 2011, compensation for private copying applied a levy on recording equipment, devices and data media which allowed the recording of works protected by intellectual property rights (CDs, external disks, MP3, mobile phones, etc.). The so called ‘digital canon’ (private copying levy) had to be paid by manufacturers and distributors of these equipment and media. 

In 2012, this compensation scheme was replaced by a system of remuneration charged to the General State Budget, the amount of which decreased drastically (from 115 million euros to 5 million euros).

The system was appealed against by all management entities and, finally, last June the Court of Justice of the European Union declared the incompatibility of the Spanish system with European Law, which also was recently confirmed by our Supreme Court.

AIE, through the Digital Single Window (which includes all management entities), is the entity legally authorized to administer and distribute this compensation on behalf of musical artists.

Rights distribution

The Law on Intellectual Property requires that Collective Management Organizations be non-profit entities.

AIE registers the declarations of musical interpretations fixed in phonograms and audio visual recordings, and performs equitable distributions in proportion to their degree of use. Being an AIE member and registering your repertoire will allow you to promptly and efficiently receive the revenues generated by the exploitation of your intellectual property rights recognized by law.

Rights collected by AIE in Spain and in the world are equitably distributed among performers, the real owners of these rights.

Any business, establishment, broadcasting organization, TV station, movie theatre, etc., that makes available to the public any musical or audio visual interpretations belonging to AIE repertoire shall pay the remuneration corresponding to the rights of music performers or executants.

Find further details on the distribution of rights in our AIE Annual Report (PDF).

Distribution calendar

Find below the 2025 distribution calendar:




Period Distribution Date
March Public communication of phonograms 27-03-2025
Private copy of phonograms
Complementary distribution
New members
June Public communication of phonograms 12-06-2025
Making available of phonograms
Public communication of audiovisual recordings
Private copy of audiovisual recordings
New members
September Public communication of phonograms 25-09-2025
Private copy of phonograms
Private copy of phonograms
New members
December Public communication of audiovisual recordings 01-12-2025
Private copy of audiovisual recordings
Making available of audiovisual recordings
Complementary distribution
Annual supplementary remuneration
Historical file
New members
Summary of distribution norms
Action plan for unclaimed interpretations

This action plan outlines a roadmap of AIE’s major initiatives in 2025 to improve the documentation of our members and repertoire database, as well as the information regarding the use of phonograms and audio visual recordings. In this way, the entity can ensure the maximum allocation of the collected amounts and the correct distribution to their right holders.

Comunicación Pública y Copia Privada de Fonogramas Identificación artista principal Búsqueda de información para la documentación de los artistas que aparecen en la información de uso.
Comunicación Pública y Copia Privada Grabaciones Audiovisuales No identificado con país de producción España Elaboración de informe de espacios y obras no identificadas en la información de uso para potenciar la documentación.
Búsqueda de información para la documentación e identificación de obras y espacios audiovisuales en internet.
Comunicación Pública y Copia Privada de Fonogramas Captación Hojas de Declaración Socios AIE Fonograma Captación: generación de informes semestrales con el repertorio de artistas socios de AIE con fijaciones pendientes de declarar.
Envío de Hojas de Declaración a los socios, para su confirmación de la declaración.
Grabación de Hojas de Declaración.
Comunicación Pública y Copia Privada Grabaciones Audiovisuales Captación Hojas de Declaración Socios AIE Grabaciones Audiovisuales Captación: generación de informes semestrales con el repertorio de artistas socios de AIE con fijaciones pendientes de declarar.
Envío de Hojas de Declaración a los socios, para su confirmación de la declaración.
Grabación de Hojas de Declaración.
Comunicación Pública y Copia Privada de Fonogramas y Grabaciones Audiovisuales Captación No socios AIE Captación: generación de informes con artistas principales españoles no socios de AIE para su búsqueda y afiliación en la sociedad.
Comunicación Pública y Copia Privada de Fonogramas  Búsqueda activa de artistas con ninguna sociedad Estudio de artistas para intentar localizar su país de nacimiento.
Envío a las sociedades de cada país con el que tenemos reciprocidad el listado de artistas con su país de nacimiento.
Recepción de información de las sociedades extranjeras.
Actualización de la información en nuestra Base de Datos.
Comunicación Pública y Copia Privada de Fonogramas  Grupos musicales sin componentes o sin pertenencia a una sociedad Obtención del listado de estos grupos.
Trabajo en la mejora de la documentación con internet para actualizar las diferentes formaciones y la posible sociedad de gestión a la que pertenecen los miembros.
Comunicación Pública y Copia Privada de Fonogramas y Grabaciones Audiovisuales Firma de contratos de reciprocidad con sociedades extranjeras AIE trabaja activamente en la firma de contratos de reciprocidad con todas las sociedades de gestión del mundo para que los socios de AIE puedan obtener los derechos que generan en otros países.
I am Dive -AIE Monkey Week 15

Legal Consulting

With the aim to provide its members with a comprehensive service, AIE affiliates are offered a legal consulting service on intellectual property and performers rights management.

In the same way, AIE monitors and studies the Spanish legislative evolution with regard to intellectual property and to the rights managed by the entity and proposes the most appropriate measures to effectively protect these rights. On the international front, AIE participates in the monitoring and studying of the current international legislation on Intellectual Property, the laws promoted by the European Union institutions and the legislation rooted in international treaties, mostly those elaborated within WIPO. Furthermore, AIE collaborates with the legal departments of the international organizations in which the entity is involved: FILAIE and GIART, both chaired by AIE.

AIE Legal Department cooperates with the legal department of the OCR (Joint Collecting Society for Performers and Producers), which comprises AIE and AGEDI -the intellectual property rights management entity for phonogram producers. AGEDI is the entity responsible for the management and collection of the right to remuneration corresponding to performers and producers, and due to the public communication of phonograms.